White Fence Flower Co. and Mercantile

We are located at:

8736 N. Trescher Rd. Milton, WI 53563


Thursday Sept 12th 10-4

Friday Sept 13th 10-4

Saturday Sept 14th 2-6

Sunday Sept 15th 10-3

There are no U-Pick events scheduled at this time

Please note we are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays Please reach out if you need a pick-up. Pre-orders are always helpful for us!

Call or text 608-290-5243 for needs.

Please note we do not offer routine daily delivery

Please reach out if you are event planning!

Our hours are dictated by a multitude of fluctuating factors; weddings, weather, nature, farm improvements, and family time. We close for a few months during the winter to catch up and plan for the growing season!

Call or text us at 608-290-5243 for needs outside of posted hours, we are always happy to fill individual orders or open the shop by appointment!

Please Note: We do not always offer the flower bar option due to a multitude of factors, if this is something you are interested in please reach out to see if we are setting it up. We always encourage pre-orders as that helps us navigate the time needed to create your bouquets or arrangements. Flowers are a perishable product so we do our best to predict the quantities needed on any given day. If you don’t see something in the shop please don’t hesitate to ask as we often have lots of blooms in the cooler.

We are always happy to get flowers to you even in the off-season. We utilize reputable sources to purchase flowers even in our non-growing months so please don’t hesitate to contact us for your floral needs! With ample notice to get product from our suppliers we can still provide you with beautiful blooms at this time.

Stay tuned here and via our social media links to find out how you can find our flowers and as always feel free to contact us for your flower needs!

We do not routinely offer delivery for day to day flowers because our on farm chores and the work it takes to grow often doesn’t allow us to leave. Also please note if you are requesting our services for wedding or events this is a completely separate part of day to day operations and we navigate that process differently.

Stay Safe and Be Well!